" A different world can not be created by indifferent people, be different in the best way of possible and together we can make a difference! "

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Menikah !!

"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect" (Quran 30:21)

Insya Allah akan menikah :

Tanggal 29 Maret 2007 di Vermont, USA

Mohon doa restu kita semua untuk kebahagian mereka !!

Horeee... Keluarga Rumah KaMu akan semakin besar lagi... saatnya kita mencari tempat untuk berlibur bersama di desa nanti...!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Poem :!

The Story of a Single Leave
by Ary

When I was a kid I dreamt to be an oak
stand tough and peacefully behind the rugged path
where the passersby can stop and take a rest underneath

As a seed I was nurtured up in a fertile soil
In a land where fake fertilizers are betrayal to our mother nature
In a garden where our heart rejoice and laugh in simplicity

Then I found myself cultivated in a strange land called school
This is the first lesson I learned there
“you can be anything but an oak… “

I was embraced with a fascinating lifestyle called city
and a mesmerizing box named TV
Alas I love these novel stuffs so much
I even started to feel ashamed of ever dreamt to be an oak

One day I met other restless young trees
We learned this quote “Never doubt that small committed citizens can change the world…”
So we drawn ourselves in the battle of toppling down the dictatorial king of the forest
And we did it…

The victory taught us that change is possible
We struggle to regain our confidence to our dream to be an oak
As a young wild tree we dare to challenge the storm

Yet I find out that our courageous actions are just a drop in the ocean
I am not even a tree
I am only a single simple leave in this entire universe
Yet I refuse to fall down to the ground for nothingness
As I can always serve the earth by being a humus

SIT, 02 February 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Story of Warwick (RK Volunteer)

The highlight of my time in South-Sulawesi was being a facilitator for Rumah KaMu’s annual Youth Camp. When I arrived at Rumah KaMu, preparations for youth camp were well under way. 21 participants out of many 16 year old high school applicants from Makassar had been be selected. 11 other facilitators and I went for a weeks retreat in Malino, to discuss tactics and build on the evaluations of previous youth camps, so we could make this year’s youth camp an unforgettable experience for the participants and the host community.

The idea of youth camp is to give students from the city the chance live with people from a completely different environment. This year the youth camp was held in the beautiful farming village called Jene Tallassa which is situated in the mountains a few hours out of Makassar. Finally the day came for us to leave. The participants arrived, very exited, and some apprehensive. We all piled into a hot, sweaty bus and headed off to the mountains. We stayed with host families and learned much about daily life in the mountains. The participants learned how to research using observation and interview techniques, then set off in small groups to explore a topic of their choice over the 10 day duration. At the end of their stay they analysed their data and write a report which would not be assessed. The topics looked closely at the village’s, farming industry, irrigation system, education system, its reaction to modernisation and its migrant workers.

The students produced very interesting reports, despite this informal style of the education. Informal education has been proven in many organizations around the world to hold the key to reaching students, especially those who do not get along with the ‘business orientated’ approach which we see in so many education establishments. The participants learned so much from actively experiencing a new culture and I’m sure they will never forget Jene Tallasse. There were tears when it was time to say goodbye, but I knew that some day the participants and I would return to this magical place to see its people again, especially my Bapak and Ibu, who took such great care of me during my stay.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Four Ways to Make A Different

Tertarik menjadi bagian dari Rumah KaMu dan mendukung kegiatannya ?
(If you interested to be part of Rumah KaMu and want to support it activities, these are how you can do :)

Caranya :

a. Membeli Merchandise (pin, kartu pos, film dokumenter YC, dll)
(Buy Rumah KaMu Merchandise in secretariat)

Bisa didapatkan di sekertariat Rumah KaMu

b. Menjadi Relawan di Kegiatan Rumah KaMu
(Volunteering in Rumah KaMu)

c. Berlangganan Newsletter Rumah KaMu
(Subscribe for Rumah Kamu Newsletter, only by send Rp. 200.000,- per year,
you will receive every Rumah KaMu newsletter and interesting packet)

Hanya dengan membayar iuran tahunan sebesar Rp. 200.000,-
anda akan mendapatkan newsletter Rumah KaMu dan bingkisan menarik

d. Memberikan Donasi
(Give donation to Rumah KaMu account)

Anda dapat memberikan donasi ke rekening Rumah KaMu :
Bank MANDIRI Cabang Unhas a.n Lembaga Rumah Kaum Muda
No account : 152-00-0630337-0

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(Please contact us at:)

Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km 9 no 76
(depan Mercedes Benz) Tamalanrea
Makassar 90245 INDONESIA
08164383583 (Anna)